

Hi! I'm Pamela.

In February of 1997, a friend set me up on a blind date with her boyfriend's roommate. We've been together ever since, marrying three years later, and having three beautiful crazy children since.

There are a few things that I've learned over the years that are really important to me.

I love baking. Baking treats for others brings smiles to their faces and warmth to their hearts. Oh, it also happens to do the same for me. I hope that this talent and love of mine is used to lift Jesus in some way.

I love people, especially my people. My people are crazy and imperfect but then again, so am I. I am definitely a work in progress and I enjoy being with others who feel the same way. It always amazes me how you can see God's love through others. It can be the simplest of words.

I love reading. My favorites are historical fiction and bible studies but I truly enjoy getting my eyes on a really good book, any kind of book.

And of course I love Jesus. When I think of how much God loves us, me, sometimes it overwhelms my heart. Even though I do my best to aspire to live like Him, I know I mess it up every day. But the awesome and magnificent thing is He loves me and forgives me anyway. My hope is that in starting this blog and serving others through one of my gifts will make Him proud.

Enough about me and on to why I started this blog: It seems like people are always asking me about my sweets and suggesting that they can't do the same. I'm here to tell you that you can. It takes me a lot of trial and error on recipes to figure out which ones I like best. Thus, the blog. I thought if I shared my baking trials, and maybe some life trials with you, it might take a little guess work out of the way.

I'm not a professional. I just love doing what I do and hope to share it with you. Please feel free to ask any questions or leave a comment about something you think I can improve on. We're all in this together.


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